I'm a software architect, engineer, and infrastructure passionate about building internal tools. Currently, I'm trying several Platform as a Services, and building a SaaS.
Article in English will be release soon, but the current app is for Indonesian language only. If you are interested to use it, please add a comment...
A New Year Brings New Job Opportunities Or so they say. It has become an annual event where everyone is on the lookout for a fresh job. On my LinkedIn...
With this command line, I can synchronize all ssh keys, usernames and server IPs. No more forgetting how to connect to multiple servers. · Why I Made...
A complete guide for getting started with Outerbase Command · Note: Outerbase is still in beta by the time this article was written. My approach and...
Introduction to deploying serverless apps in kubernetes in a simple way. Forget about the complexity of deployment, service, HPA, and other manifest ·...